Nick Cushing relies on past victories to face challenges against Nashville SC

His team prepares for a crucial showdown against Nashville SC
New England Revolution v New York City FC
New England Revolution v New York City FC / Ira L. Black - Corbis/GettyImages

The ability to learn from the past may be the key to future success. Nick Cushing, coach of New York City FC, is keenly aware of this as his team prepares for a crucial showdown against Nashville SC. In a season marked by ups and downs, Cushing has emphasized the importance of capitalizing on away wins, something that has driven the team's performance thus far.

"Throughout the season, we've had a strong desire to improve our away performance," explained Cushing. "Last year, we only managed one away win. We've used those experiences to create a process and understand how to achieve results on opposing turf. Lately, we've had really positive results against teams like New England, Toronto, and Philadelphia."

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Despite a recent loss to the Columbus Crew, which halted a positive streak, Cushing remains confident in his team's ability to bounce back quickly.

"I'm not worried about that single loss because we've shown throughout the season the ability to recover and maintain form," emphasized Cushing. "We know the unpredictable nature of our league. After a streak of eight consecutive wins, it's natural to go through tough periods. The challenge for us now is to review and reflect on our performance against Columbus and prepare as best as possible for the Nashville match."

NYCFC also faces a demanding travel schedule. After a journey to California to face LA Galaxy, the team had to quickly prepare for the Nashville clash, dealing with the physical and logistical impacts of the travel.

"Obviously, training time is a bit shorter due to travel time," admitted Cushing. "But we maintain a consistent approach in our preparation. We adapt the process as needed, taking into account time zones and the intense rhythm of a week with three games."

The Nashville encounter is not just another game, but an opportunity to reaffirm their competitiveness and aspirations in the league.
