Here’s What No One Told You About Messi’s Contract With Inter Miami

Is Messi’s run in the MLS already winding down?
Philadelphia v Inter Miami CF
Philadelphia v Inter Miami CF / Megan Briggs/GettyImages

Lionel Messi arrived in the United States with the weight of a legend on his shoulders and the eyes of the entire world locked on him. His deal with Inter Miami was hyped up as a game-changer for American soccer, and everyone figured he’d stick around at least until the 2026 World Cup. I mean, come on—who wouldn’t want to see Messi playing in a World Cup right in their own backyard?

But here’s the twist: the MLS recently spilled the beans that Messi’s contract with Inter Miami runs until the end of 2025. And, despite all the talk, there’s no automatic extension for 2026. What’s that mean? Well, first off, all that chatter about Messi being the face of the 2026 World Cup? Yeah, that might be headed straight down the drain.

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Messi is Messi. The guy’s made history everywhere he’s played, and no one doubts that if he really wanted to, he could play until 40 and still give defenders nightmares. But does he want to? He’s already won everything there is to win. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar was the cherry on top of a career for the ages. And what if, come 2025, Messi decides he’s done enough?

Since Messi set foot in Miami, his impact’s been nothing short of massive. The team transformed from just another MLS club to a sales, ratings, and—of course—winning machine. But it’s not just about the wins. It’s about legacy. And what if Messi, who’s always been a master at controlling his image, has already picked the perfect moment to say goodbye? Ending his contract in 2025 and closing that chapter could be, in his eyes, the perfect farewell.

Then again, this is Messi we’re talking about. The guy loves to surprise us, and the truth is, no one really knows what he’s planning. Maybe he doesn’t even know yet.

Now, what’s the MLS gonna do without Messi? Over the past few months, the league’s built a whole lot of its identity around the Argentine superstar. Since he touched down in America, soccer in the U.S. has hit new heights. Packed broadcasts, sold-out stadiums, and jerseys flying off the shelves—Messi’s breathed new life into the sport here, and like it or not, he’s become the face of the league.

If his contract really ends in 2025 and he decides not to stick around, the MLS could be staring at a massive void. And let’s be real, even if other big names are playing in the league or show up later, nobody’s got the global pull Messi has. No player in history comes close to him when it comes to media and sports impact. So, if Messi leaves, the MLS is gonna have to hustle to keep the momentum going, and honestly, that’s not gonna be easy.

Now, as for the 2026 World Cup, a lot of fans are still holding onto the dream of seeing Messi lead Argentina, maybe one last time, on American soil, on the global stage. But if his Inter Miami contract ends in 2025 and he decides to call it quits, that vision of Messi dominating the World Cup could just stay a dream. And let’s face it, it wouldn’t be a total shock if he decided not to play another World Cup.

And if he decides he doesn’t want the pressure of another World Cup? Who can blame him? Plus, the Messi of 2026 won’t be the same as the Messi of 2022. Time marches on, and as much as he’s still playing at a top level, it’s hard to ignore that he’ll be 39 when the next World Cup rolls around.

Of course, nothing’s stopping the MLS and Inter Miami from pulling out all the stops to keep him around for 2026. Messi’s a magnet for attention, tickets, and cash. The negotiations could really heat up as 2025 gets closer. But let’s be real here—Messi’s never been the kind of guy to chase money. If he decides he’s done, believe me, he’s done. No billion-dollar contract or slick marketing campaign’s gonna hold him back.

But if he sticks around? Well, then the MLS and Inter Miami are gonna have to live up to the legend. Keeping a player like Messi isn’t just about paying his salary—it’s about having the right structure, ambition, and, above all, making sure he’s still motivated to play. Messi’s not just an athlete—he’s a global brand, and keeping him happy is a whole lot more complicated than it looks.

The truth is, nobody—not the MLS, not Inter Miami, not the fans—knows what’s gonna happen in 2025. The anticipation is huge, and everyone’s dying to know what the next chapter in Messi’s story will be. But for now, the only thing set in stone is that his contract ends at the close of 2025, with no guarantees for 2026. And that uncertainty? Well, that could be the start of one heck of a guessing game that only time will unravel.
