Astronomical Salary Could Drive Inter Milan Away from American Gem

While Inter Milan faces a deadlock in negotiations, Parma and Como join the fray for Tessmann
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Japan U23 v United States U23 / Andrea Vilchez/ISI Photos/USSF/GettyImages

Tanner Tessmann, the young midfielder from Venezia and the United States national team, finds himself at the center of a heated dispute. Inter Milan, the traditional Italian giant, is grappling with a dilemma that could relegate the signing of this promising talent to mere dreams. It all boils down to the player's hefty salary demands.

The Nerazzurri have earmarked Tessmann as a top priority for the upcoming season. The initial plan seemed well-structured: sign the 22-year-old and then loan him back to Venezia. This way, Tessmann could continue his development in a familiar environment while Inter Milan kept their options open for the future. However, negotiations have hit a critical snag - his salary.

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Even the biggest clubs need to hit the brakes when demands become unrealistic. That's precisely what seems to be happening with Tessmann. The youngster's salary demands are deemed excessive by Inter's management. This stance, it must be said, is quite sensible in times when financial prudence must accompany sporting ambition.

While Inter Milan ponders the best way to proceed - or retreat - in this negotiation, competitors are sharpening their claws. Newly promoted to Serie A, Parma and Como have their eyes on the situation, ready to capitalize on any misstep by the Milanese giants. Both clubs see Tessmann as a golden opportunity to bolster their squads with a promising talent who could not only contribute on the field but also increase market value.

Venezia has set Tessmann's release fee at around 7 million euros. In theory, this investment shouldn't be a hurdle for a club of Inter's stature. The real issue lies not in the transfer fee but rather in the player's financial aspirations. How much is it worth investing in a prospect who still needs to prove himself in a top-tier league?

The prospect of seeing Tessmann in an Inter Milan jersey, at least for now, seems uncertain. Frankly, this might not be entirely detrimental to the club. With a squad already brimming with quality midfielders like Nicolo Barella, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, and Hakan Calhanoglu, the need for another player in this position isn't urgent.

Inter Milan, with its rich history and tradition, certainly has the experience to make the right decision. And if that means foregoing a promising talent over salary considerations, so be it. After all, as the saying goes, sometimes you have to take a step back to take two forward.
