4 Opponents the USMNT Still Has to Face in 2024

So, what's on the horizon for the USMNT in their upcoming matchups?
France v United States: Men's Football - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day -2
France v United States: Men's Football - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day -2 / Brad Smith/ISI/GettyImages

Well, let me tell ya, these games aren’t just a little something to pass the time. They’re more like a sneak peek into what we can expect from the bigger tournaments ahead—kind of like a gauge for how well (or not) we’re holding up.

Looking at the USMNT’s schedule through October 2024, we’ve got four very different teams lined up: Canada, New Zealand, Panama, and—of course—Mexico. Now, I know what you're thinking: these games might seem like no big deal, but trust me, if you’re brushing them off as simple exhibition matches, you’re in for a surprise. These matchups are primed to show us way more than just scores on a board.

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Let's kick things off with our neighbor to the north—Canada. And don’t even think for a second that they’re still that naïve squad we used to beat without breaking a sweat. Those days are long gone. The Canadian team’s been growing, building themselves up, and getting pretty darn formidable. Just think back to their solid runs in the last CONCACAF tournaments and Copa America. Now, I’m not saying the USMNT’s lost its historical edge, but nowadays, every game against Canada is a straight-up battle. Sure, playing at home in Children’s Mercy Park gives us a bit of an edge, but we’ve gotta use that advantage wisely and not slack off. Canada’s sharp these days, and if we slip up even a little, they’ll pounce on it like a hungry wolf.

Next up, we’ve got New Zealand on the docket. Now, I know what you’re thinking—New Zealand? The "Kiwis" don’t have the same clout as those European or South American powerhouses, but don’t let that fool ya. They play with a kind of raw intensity that could turn the tide when you least expect it. They might not be global heavyweights, but they’re more than ready to rain on someone’s parade. Playing at the TQL Stadium in Cincinnati gives us some home-cooked comfort, but it’s gonna take more than familiar turf to handle the physical grit they bring to the pitch.

Fast forward to October, and we’re staring down Panama. Now, here’s another CONCACAF rival that’s slowly but surely turned into a real thorn in the side of the USMNT. And man, haven’t they proven they can stir things up? The bitter taste of that Copa America defeat still stings a little, doesn’t it? This time around, our boys need to hit the ground running—no room for half-hearted efforts. The Q2 Stadium in Austin should be a fortress, and the crowd’s gotta bring that electric energy too. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where the game’s held—if we’re not coming in hot from the get-go, Panama’s gonna be more than happy to take advantage of any slip-ups we leave on the table.

And last but definitely not least, we’ve got what’s bound to be the grand showdown: Mexico vs. USMNT at the Estadio Akron in Guadalajara. This rivalry, man, it’s not just about soccer. It’s so much deeper. When the U.S. and Mexico face off, it’s a clash of pride, history, and let’s be honest, a good old dose of animosity. Playing in Guadalajara? That’s like walking straight into the eye of the storm. The Mexican fans? Passionate, loud, and ready to turn that stadium into a pressure cooker. Any mistake we make is gonna feel 10 times worse in that environment, and if we want to walk away with a win—or at least a respectable draw—we’re gonna have to dig deep and really give it everything we’ve got.

So, what can we actually expect from these upcoming matchups? Well, besides plenty of nail-biting moments, these games will show us who’s really ready to step up and who’s still got some work to do. The USMNT’s coach has a golden opportunity to use these friendlies to test players, try out new tactics, and, most importantly, gauge the team’s mental toughness in high-pressure situations.

If everything goes our way, these games could be the perfect chance to iron out whatever’s still a little off. If we can beat Canada, handle New Zealand, outplay Panama, and at least hold our own against Mexico in Guadalajara, we’ll be on the right track to something big. But, if we stumble in one or more of these games, it might be a sign that we’re still a bit off the pace. And let’s be real—the clock’s ticking on getting things in shape for the big leagues.
