2016 NWSL Season End- Things That Teams, League, And Fans Should Be Thankful For

 In America, it will soon be Thanksgiving. Time to reflect on the blessings of the past year and to focus on the hopes of tomorrow…

Boston Breakers

(The team management, players, and/or fans are thankful for/to…)

  • For the 2016 season being over! They might not have had the most talent, but they showed a lot of heart. For 2017, may they add a couple of key pieces and be contenders.
  • To a loyal fan base, where they averaged over 3500 fans per game despite some of the results on the field.
  • Even though Kristie Mewis was recently traded from Boston,  here is a theme that is quite important for young people in 2016. Mewis and other Boston athletes participated in   Boston vs Bullies program. It would take several days for me to research all the charities and educational events  that are performed by NWSL and the players every year. But to me this is one of the most important things that the NWSL players do . So, I apologize for not mentioning more of these. Perhaps I should write a Christmas time article about this?

Chicago Red Stars

  • To the Red Stars playing at Toyota Park this year. No offense to Benedictine University, but soccer should be played on soccer pitches, and football be played on football fields, and not vice versa.
  • For having Tico Fernandez broadcast the games in Spanish. The league needs to reach out to as many fans as possible.
  • Cheers to “Dogs for Christen”.  Dozens of fans sent Christen Press pictures of their puppies to cheer her up after missing the penalty kick in the Quarterfinal loss to Sweden. It does not matter if you win or lose. Rather, it’s about being there in a time of need. This is the Twitter site. 

FC Kansas City

Houston Dash

  • For September, when the team started to “gel” and work as a real team, not as a bunch of individuals. If they maintain that sense of solid teamwork, they will be contenders in 2017.

Orlando Pride

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Portland Thorns FC

  • To the Rose City Riveters, the biggest fan base in of the league, averaged 16,915 per game this year.

Seattle Reign FC

  • For your years of dedication and service- to Keelin Winters who “retires” to being an everyday hero fighting fires. And to Kim Little, one of the best players ever in professional soccer  as she goes to play for Arsenal next year.
  • To Tom Glasgow and Lesle Gallimore. In my opinion, this is is the best broadcast team for the NWSL. There are other broadcast teams that are quite good, but Glasgow and Gallimore have been the most consistent and knowledgeable over the years.

Sky Blue FC

  • To Christy Rampone who is still as young as ever. May she play until she reaches social security age!
  • To Leah Galton for deciding to start her professional career after she graduated from college. She arrived on the team in late May after she finished her degree. In my opinion, putting education first should be a priority for all young people.

Washington Spirit

  • To almost winning the championship. To the Spirit Squadron and other loyal fans they will be always champions. Too bad we could not have “co-champions”, instead. Both teams deserved it. Despite recent departures from star players Ali Krieger and Christine Nairn (and hopefully no one else), may they return to the playoffs again next year.
  • To Ali Krieger and the rest of the players. Thank you for showing  that the players on the team are a class act  during the Megan Rapinoe – Bill Lynch “kneeling controversy”.  The letter sent to the public after the incident, in my opinion, seemed to “calm” the controversy down. It would be a shame if something like that divided all of the NWSL fans. In 2016, we did not need any more “divisiveness”.

Western New York Flash

  •  Winning the Championship! They should also thank referee Matthew Franz for giving them those  4 inexplicable minutes of extra time in the 2nd overtime period that allowed enough time for the Lynn Williams goal to send it to penalty kicks.
  • For Britt Eckerstrom and family, and also NWSL players Tori Huster and Tiffany Weimer to survive  a house fire back in March. Thankfully everyone was okay. Possessions can be replaced, but people cannot be replaced. They have raised over $50,000 here, but in case you want to donate. Here is their site. 
  • The fans and Seattle Reign  want to thank the Flash for playing most of their games in Rhinos Stadium,  and not Frontier Field! (Sorry, but I have to have a bad joke now and then.)

Next: Winningest Franchises in MLS History

The National Women’s Soccer League

  • The overall attendance has gone up 5558 up steadily from 4271 in 2013.
  • To expansion! The league will not expand until 2018, but plans to add 2 teams then. There are rumors that 2 more teams will be added in 2020.. This is welcome relief who those who remember the WUSA and WPS as “3 years and out” leagues.
  • To all the players who retired from the NWSL, or will retire soon. We will miss all of you. It is a shame that many players retire in their prime, because of the low wages of the “ordinary players”.  Good luck in your endeavors.

And I know I missed dozens of items. What else can the fans and the league be thankful for?

For me personally, I am thankful for my family and friends, my health, and a job that pays the bills. Plus I have a fun hobby, contributing to FanSided!

“Thank You” to everyone in my life.

May the upcoming year be blessed for everyone, regardless of who you are, what you  look like, what you believe in,  or where you are from.  We are all brothers and sisters on this planet. Peace and Love to all!